Davies Hall: The Parish Hall
To the left (north) of the Cathedral and connected by a stone cloister of Gothic arches, is Davies Hall, a large Parish Hall with adjacent service rooms, including a commercial kitchen.
In the first decade of the 20th Century, the Davies family quietly acquired the land immediately adjacent to the Cathedral and offered it to the church as their gift, to be complete with the structure they envisioned and we now call Davies Hall, in honor of their patriarch, Theophilus H. Davies. The Hall was designed by B. F. Ingelow, the same English architect for the original Cathedral building.
There are few buildings in America that can lay claim to having their cornerstones laid by a King or Queen, yet side by side in Honolulu are two together: St. Andrew’s Cathedral, whose cornerstone was laid by King Kamehameha V on March 5, 1867, and Davies Hall, whose cornerstone was laid by Queen Liliʻuokalani on May 9, 1906, using a silver trowel now kept in the Archives of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi. It was constructed of stone with various wood and steel elements, and includes a partial basement.
In the first decade of the 20th Century, the Davies family quietly acquired the land immediately adjacent to the Cathedral and offered it to the church as their gift, to be complete with the structure they envisioned and we now call Davies Hall, in honor of their patriarch, Theophilus H. Davies. The Hall was designed by B. F. Ingelow, the same English architect for the original Cathedral building.
There are few buildings in America that can lay claim to having their cornerstones laid by a King or Queen, yet side by side in Honolulu are two together: St. Andrew’s Cathedral, whose cornerstone was laid by King Kamehameha V on March 5, 1867, and Davies Hall, whose cornerstone was laid by Queen Liliʻuokalani on May 9, 1906, using a silver trowel now kept in the Archives of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi. It was constructed of stone with various wood and steel elements, and includes a partial basement.
On May 30, 1909, Davies Hall was completed and dedicated for use as the Parish Hall of the Cathedral and for service to the community of Honolulu. In the ensuing century, it has housed at one time or another, and often simultaneously, the Boy Scouts of America, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Cathedral Economy Shop, the Queen Emma Book Room, rummage sales, community feeding programs, feasts for weddings, wakes and thanksgivings, choir practices, lectures, and meetings of every kind. It has taken lots of abuse, and time has not been particularly kind to its architecture, most noticeably its entry porch and windows, which succumbed to termites (but are scheduled to be restored in the current renovation). Yet here it is: a legacy that has seen 100 years of good work in supporting the mission of the church in this community. A restored Davies Hall will continue to support the community for generations to come.