As each has received a gift, employ it for one another,
The most important words to say in Church are “thank you.” Say it often, and mean it, and today I say it to you, St. Andrew’s ‘ohana. Thank you for the many gifts that you share with our Cathedral community.
As we begin our Stewardship 2024 conversation, please know that we honor the trust you place in us when you pledge your financial support for the Cathedral, and we strive to do right by that trust. With this as our starting point, we have embraced the stewardship theme of “The Gifts of God for the People of God. / Nā Makana a ke Akua na ka Poʻe o ke Akua.” The words are familiar ones – this is the invitation to Holy Communion we say each week, each time we gather around the altar and share in the bread and the wine re-membering as the Body of Christ to be at work in the world. These gifts of bread and wine are the presence of Christ, and they nourish and sustain us in our every days. Your stewardship gift, too, nourishes and sustains the ministries and mission of the Cathedral of St. Andrew. We could not live and move and have our being (or pay our bills!) without your financial support. Your financial support makes all that we do possible. Your pledge to the Cathedral makes our ministries and our Cathedral life sustainable. Thank you. Over these coming weeks, we will share in talk story, reflections, gratitude sharings, and moments of ministry with one another as we plan into 2024. Below are details of all we accomplished, furthered, and began in 2023 – our reach into the community has been deep, our worship, programs, and offerings have been exciting, our care and keeping of our facilities has been necessary and good. Through your giving, you made these things possible -- Thank you for your support! And with our sights and planning set on 2024, we have some incredible opportunities to build on all that 2023 has been and start new and important projects that will live into the legacy we have inherited from the Holy Sovereigns’ and honor the trust you place in us. Join us on Sunday, October 8, between the services for a Stewardship Talk Story. |
A Ministry Snapshot of 2023 We raised over $17,000 for Outreach efforts including: Aid for Maui and Holy Innocents Church, Kalihi Waena Elementary School, Food Vault HI, IHS, ERD Earthquake relief in Turkey and Syria, Family Promise, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, Camp Mokuleʻia, Episcopal Church in Micronesia typhoon relief, Wallyhouse Our Wallyhouse volunteers prepared over 6000 sack lunches for distribution funded by your pledges and offerings. We shared in 62 weekly and holy day worship services and multiple special choral eventswith nearly 30,000 people sharing in this sacred space and time, in-person and online. Our Open Cathedral Docents have welcomed folks from around the world, including Germany, France, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, China, New Zealand, Austrailia, the continental US, and all around Hawaiʻi. We have shared in and collected / distributed over 5,000 pounds of food through our outreach to Food Vault HI and Kalihi Waena Elementary School. Through our Annual Slipper Drive and School Supplies Collection, we have continued our parternerships with Princess Ruth Keʻelikolani Middle School and Kalihi Waena Elementary School, living into the Holy Soveriegns’ commitment to the keiki of Hawaiʻi. The Cathedral has continued to be the special and desired venue for concerts and events: international artists Apollo 5, the University of Hawaiʻi Chamber Singers, Chamber Music Hawaiʻi, Oʻahu Choral Society, and our local schools: ʻIolani, La Pietra, and St. Andrew’s Schools. And, with your generosity, we also have been diligent stewards of our Buildings and Grounds. |
Our logo to accompany our stewardship theme, The Gifts of God for the People of God. / Nā Makana a ke Akua na ka Poʻe o ke Akua., is the yellow hibiscus surrounding our St. Andrew’s shield. The yellow hibiscus, as you may know, is an important symbol in Hawaiʻi, representing royalty and, as I read, revealing respect and strength. A version of this design can be found in the Cathedral as the needlepoint cushion at the stone cathedra (Bishop’s seat) near the high altar. The stewardship committee prays that this symbol and design will further unite our Cathedral ʻohana as we gather our gifts for 2024 and walk into the new year together as Christ’s people for all people. Respect, strength, our royal heritage, define us and shape our mission. We deeply honor your consideration of your gift as we stand with all who have come before us at the Cathedral looking ahead to 2024 with excitement and humble gratitude to serve our community as the Body of Christ.

Thank you for considering how you will support the Cathedral this year.
With gratitude, unceasing,
In Christ, always,
Canon Heather+
With gratitude, unceasing,
In Christ, always,
Canon Heather+