The Eighth Station: Jesus Is Helped by Simon the CyrenianPresider: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.
All: Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. They pressed Into service a passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming In from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross. (Mark 15:21)
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SIMON OF CYRENE For years I had dreamed of making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for a Passover celebration. I had saved my money to make the Journey across the sea from North Africa. When I arrived In Jerusalem, my eyes feasted on the golden splendor of the temple. Then my wife and sons, Rufus and Alexander, went to the market to buy food while I became a pilgrim, walking the crowded streets. I stopped to observe a pitiful procession of a criminal carrying his cross. Suddenly, before I realized what was happening, a Roman centurion seized me by the arm and forced me to carry this criminal's cross. I was bitter and angry. Under my breath, I cursed my rotten luck-wrong place at the wrong time. "All this way from Cyrene for what? This humiliation. Why did this happen to me, Simon, a poor farmer?" Then I saw the face of the man I was helping. He nodded as if to thank me. I will never forget that look! Suddenly the cross grew lighter and my heart became lighter, too. Later, when my family and I were baptized as Christians, I had a golden memory: I had helped Jesus bear his cross. As It turned out, it wasn't bad luck; It was God's blessing In disguise. My Iife was changed on the day I lifted his cross. What about you? Were you in that crowd that day? PRESIDER: Let us pray . ALL: Jesus, on your lonely journey, you welcomed the help of Simon, a passerby, At first he shouldered your cross with anger but later accepted it willingly. In truth, we all feel resistance to bearing the cross. Give us courageous hearts to bear our own burdens and generous hearts to share the burdens of others. Amen. Were you there when Simon helped the Lord? Were you there when Simon helped the Lord? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble! Were you there when Simon helped the Lord? |